Philippe Delespesse, CEO & Founder – Binnakle Innovation Games, co-organizer – Gamification Day

He has a degree in Management and MBA from the Solvay Business School (Belgium).
More than 11 years experience in marketing and sales departments at Unilever and Henkel, before being in charge, as Director, of the launch of, internet portal participated by relevant Spanish companies.

In 1992 he co-founded Inteligencia Creativa, a consulting company helping companies to boost and systematize their creative thinking and innovation. Since then he has facilitated workshops, trainings and innovation projects with more than 5.000 participants from more than 100 companies in different sectors and countries (Danone, Novartis, Repsol, Boeing, Pepsi, Henkel, Kellogg’s, L’Oreal, Orange, Repsol, Unilever, Yahoo, Allianz,…)

As the co-founder of Binnakle Innovation Games in 2014 he launched Binnakle, the game that won the Gamification World Congress Award in 2015. He is a speaker in many Meetings, Congresses and Corporate Events about Innovation, Creativity and Gamification.

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