Héctor A. Venegas

Héctor A. Venegas es socio y CEO de SwarmWorks Ltd., una empresa especializada en la participación interactiva de grandes audiencias haciendo uso de la inteligencia colectiva de los asistentes. Además, SwarmWorks ha desarrollada métodos únicos en el mundo. La central de la compañía está en Cologne (Alemania) con oficinas en Londres (UK), Asheville y Boston (USA). Héctor es graduado en derecho por la University of Cologne. Detrás de su rol en SwarmWorks, es el actual presidente de MPI Germany Chapter. Ha ejercido cargos directivos en la industria de eventos durante más de 15 años.

Sesión: The Power of active involvement

The desired outcome of meetings and events can have different objectives. It might be learning, informing, motivating or networking or even all of those. What they all have in common though, is the fact that it is people gathering for a certain purpose. So how can we make sure to achieve those desired outcomes?
The Meetovation concept from VisitDenmark considers the active involvement of the delegates as one of the pillars of a successful meeting or event. SwarmWorks has developed different methods to do exactly that: Turning the audience into participants.


  • How can you involve your attendees into your meetings & events
  • How can you raise the event ROI
  • Learn about meetovation

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