Carlo Hermes


Session: How to create value added for the stakeholders of your event: lessons from organizing the World Energy Congress, G20 Energy meeting

You organize a meeting for a client (internal or external)… but you know success depends on much more than just the immediate, conscious needs of the client. Are you aware of who is really involved and how to bring them value? From briefing to post-event, how to make sure you identify the interests of all parties (client, attendees, sponsors, public entities…) and manage them perfectly? Based on his experience on key events such as the World Energy Congress to corporate events, Carlo Hermes will explore these critical questions for meeting planners eager to bring more value (in English).


Carlo has been working for over 30 years in event management and communication for companies like British Airways, Olivetti and Enel. For four years he was the Executive Director of the “World Energy Congress” 2007. He started his consulting company, which works with the Italian Ministry of Economic Development; Banca Popolare and Eni to implement events and sponsorship management and communication strategies. He teaches events management and communication.

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